due: 2-1-2013 / Miller National Fellowship Program

The Miller Center at the University of Virginia is now accepting applications for the 2013-2014 National Fellowship Program. The Miller Center National Fellowship funds scholars completing dissertations that employ history to shed light on American politics, public policy, foreign relations, the impact of global affairs on the United States, or media and politics. The program provides up to eight $20,000 grants to support one year of research and writing. Along with the fellowship grant, the Miller Center assists the fellow in choosing a senior scholar from their field to serve as fellowship “mentor.” This mentor will suggest relevant literature to frame the project, read the fellow’s work, and give general advice on research.

This year, the Miller Center is excited to offer for the first time an Immigration Policy Fellowship funded by John and Rosemary Galbraith, awarded to a graduate student whose studies and dissertation are breaking new ground on the subject of immigration. To be considered for this fellowship, please indicate your interest in your application’s project description.

Please visit the Fellowship website for more information, application requirements, and to access the online application: http://millercenter.org/academic/dgs/fellowship. The application will close on February 1st. Please contact us atgage@virginia.edu with any questions.

Miller Center National Fellowship Program
U.Va.Miller Center
2201 Old Ivy Rd
P.O. Box 400406
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4406
Email: gage
Visit the website at http://millercenter.org/academic/dgs/fellowship